Local Training Course

AEGEE-Brno pořádá v sobotu 8.3. akci zvanou LTC. LTC neboli Local training Course je určené především pro nováčky a ty, kteří by se členy AEGEE chtěli teprve stát.
Během nabitého programu se dozvíte třeba to, jak se můžete zapojit do aktivit AEGEE na evropské úrovni, jak napsat neodolatelný motivační dopis na letní univerzitu a nebo jaké tajemné věci se dějí na statutárních eventech… 🙂
Až skončíme s workshopy, dáme si společně pizzu a pak pro vás budeme mít připravenou večerní zábavu, na kterou jen tak nezapomenete 😉

Důležité informace:
Místo konání: sraz na akci bude 8.3. v 9:45 na České pod hodinami, samotné LTC bude probíhat ve Spolkovně na FSS
Cena: zcela zdarma 🙂
Kdy: začínáme v 10:00 a konec workshopů a prezentací je naplánovaný na 18:00 (samozřejmě s přestávkami), dále budeme pokračovat večerní zábavou
Co s sebou: jen dobrou náladu, případně psací potřeby a blok
Jak se přihlásit: vyplňte prosím tento dotazník , abychom věděli, že s vámi máme počítat.
Event na Facebooku

English version:
LTC event is aimed first of all for the AEGEE newbies or people who would like to become members of our great association!
We have prepared for you a great program and a day full of joy, fun, interesting information and new friends! During the LTC you can find out how to join AEGEE activities on european level, how to write a motivation letter that nobody could ever deny or what kind of mysterious things are happening during the staturoty events!:)
After the workshops we’ll have a pizza together and then you should get ready for one unforgetable night with AEGEE-Brno!!
So stay tuned! 😉

Important information:
Place: meeting at 9:45 at Česká under the clock, the whole LTC will take place in Spolkovna at FSS
Price: completely for free 🙂
Time: start at 10am and finish of workshops at 6pm (with brakes of course), after that we will continue for evening fun
What to bring: just good mood and paper and pen
How to sign in: fill in this questionnaire
Event on Facebook.

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  14. The limited data that exists provides a mixed picture of the impact on road safety. The federal agency Public Safety Canada reported last year that “while police-reported data tends to indicate a significant decline in overall trends in impaired driving incidents over the past ten years, the proportion of incidents reported by police has significantly increased from about 2% of the total in 2009, to approximately 9% in 2020.” The City of Richmond has chosen to prohibit the retail sale of cannabis within Richmond. The City will vigorously enforce its bylaws should any retail cannabis outlet attempt to operate within Richmond. Local residents wishing to purchase non-medical cannabis can do so through the province’s online distribution centre or licensed outlets elsewhere in British Columbia. https://future-wiki.win/index.php?title=Medical_marijuana_inc_stock Gillies reported from Toronto. Gene Johnson, who reported from Seattle, is a member of the AP’s marijuana beat team and can be followed at twitter.com GeneAPseattle. Follow AP’s complete marijuana coverage: apnews.com Marijuana Regulatory hurdles associated with acquiring approval from Health Canada to launch clinical trials of medical cannabis have proven extremely difficult to meet. We have now met with dozens of licenced producers that provide medical cannabidiol (which is non-psychotropic) to Canadians and engaged in detailed discussions with nine to identify a cannabidiol product that meets Health Canada’s requirements for GMP-certification. So far, we have been unsuccessful in identifying a suitable product to begin our pilot trial. The Task Force on legalization had planned to submit its final report to the federal government in November, which will contain recommendations on minimum age requirements, the best ways for the government to sell cannabis, and more. The Task Force has warned that legalization will involve upfront expenses – to implement regulations, train police, etc. – before the tax revenue starts to flow.

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